Takeoff/Landing Visualizer - http://www.takeofflanding.com

Takeoff/Landing Visualizer

FAA Airport database is processed into a SQL database which is served via PHP/NuSOAP to a Silverlight 4 client which renders airport diagrams and calculates takeoff and landing distances. Also uses a web service to retrieve weather, which is factored into the calculations.

My SourceForge Page - http://sourceforge.net/users/steven777400

Direct access to source code and runtimes for open source projects.

Logic Gate Simulator - http://www.kolls.net/gatesim

Logic Gate Simulator

Logic Gate Simulator is an open-source tool for experimenting with and learning about logic gates. Features include drag-and-drop gate layout and wiring, and user created 'integrated circuits'.

Venn Diagram Visualizer - http://www.sf.net/projects/vennvis

Venn Diagram Visualizer

Visualize Venn diagrams from set logic statements in up to 4 variables. Also generates a truth table and equivalent truth statement.

Rail World - http://www.kolls.net/rwwiki

Rail World

A Railroad train simulation game designed to bring the features of model railroading to the desktop using actual aerial or satellite photographs as the backdrop for maps. Control multiple trains, switches, load/unload cargo, and more.

GROVER Grade System - http://www.kolls.net/grover

Ancient and creaky PHP/MySQL online grading system. Features graphing to compare students and indicate what-if outcome ranges.

Online Tutoring System - http://www.kolls.net/ots

Online Tutoring System

A PHP/MySQL server connects to a Java applet which simulates VB.NET to train students to understand step-by-step how the computer processes imperative programs. Links to GROVER to store exercise scores.